Make your submission opposing clearing and development of the former Scout Land.

Your objection to the proposals to clear and develop the former Scout land, Spring Gully, will be lodged with Sutherland Shire Council. Your submission is public information.

This form will lodge an objection for each Development Application:
DA14/1238 to clear and develop the former Scout land and
DA14/1239 to clear the Sussex St unmade road reserve bushland for an asset protection zone.

Scroll down to view the full text that will be submitted. You can add additional comments below which will be included in your submissions.

More details about the development proposal can be found here.

NB: You are required by law to disclose any political donations or gifts made to Councillors or Council staff during the past two years using this form.

    The information you enter below will be inserted into your submission to Sutherland Shire Council.

    First Name (required)


    Email (required)

    Street No. & Name (required)

    Suburb (required)

    Postcode (required)

    Daytime Phone (optional)

    Additional Comments (optional)

    Have you made a political donation or given a gift to a Councillor or member of staff at Sutherland Council during the past two years?


    Security Question - enter the text below then hit "Send".


    Submission Text for DA14/1238

    [Your Contact Details]

    Sutherland Shire Council
    Locked Bag 17
    Sutherland NSW 1499


    RE : Development Application DA14/1238

    Construction of a Recreation Camp comprising 6 guest accommodation tents, communal tent, reception tent, refuge building with garage, workshop and four bedroom caretaker residence.

    I oppose this development application. I object to:

    • The enormous number of native trees (angophoras, bloodwoods, old man banksias) to be destroyed and the large area of native vegetation to be modified including the significant loss of tree canopy, understory, ground-cover and forest floor, and the resulting loss of habitat and biodiversity;
    • Structures and asset protection zones being located on steep land vulnerable to erosion and land slippage;
    • Destruction of the sugar glider habitat provided by the dense bloodwood woodland;
    • The risks of key threatening processes impacting on the freshwater wetland, other endangered ecological communities and the Royal National Park, including risks of erosion, land slippage, siltation, the spreading of weeds and other edge effects from the large scale removal of vegetation;
    • The loss of amenity and impact on the aesthetic values of the area for local residents and users of the Royal National Park, especially from the approach and entrance to the Coast Track;
    • The proposed staging of the development proposal that prioritises clearing large areas of bushland for asset protection zones for immediate development of a residential dwelling while postponing completion of any tourist accommodation for up to five years,
    • Our local RFS volunteers facing unnecessary risk should an emergency evacuation of this remote, highly bushfire prone site ever be required.

    This development proposal will have significant environmental, economic and social impacts for the local community. I request that public consultations be held to allow the community to examine these issues further.

    I support Council’s recommendation that this land be acquired for addition to the Royal National Park.

    [Your additional comments (optional)]

    [Your Name]

    Submission Text for DA14/1239

    [Your Contact Details]

    Sutherland Shire Council
    Locked Bag 17
    Sutherland NSW 1499


    RE : Development Application DA14/1239

    Clearing of the Sussex St Unformed road reserve bushland for a proposed recreation facility on adjoining land.

    I oppose this development application. I object to:

    • Native bushland with high conservation value, on land set aside for a public purpose, being subject to a development proposal for exclusive use for a private development.
    • This development application being placed on public exhibition in the absence of the proponent demonstrating title to the land.
    • The enormous number of native trees to be destroyed and the large area of native vegetation to be modified including the significant loss of tree canopy, understory, ground-cover and forest floor, and the resulting loss of habitat and biodiversity;
    • Destruction of the sugar glider habitat provided by the dense bloodwood woodland that is found on this land;
    • The loss of amenity and impact on the aesthetic values of the area for local residents and users of the Royal National Park, especially from the approach and entrance to the Coast Track;
    • The risks of key threatening processes impacting on the freshwater wetland, other endangered ecological communities and the Royal National Park, including risks of erosion, land slippage, siltation, the spreading of weeds and other edge effects from the large scale removal of vegetation;
    • The proposed use of the small NPWS parking area at the end of Beachcomber Ave for guest parking and garbage collection.

    This development proposal will have significant environmental, economic and social impacts for the local community. I request that public consultations be held to allow the community to examine these issues further.

    I support the transfer of this land and Council’s adjoining bushland to the National Parks and Wildlife Service for addition to the Royal National Park.

    [Your additional comments (optional)]

    [Your Name]